These are just a couple of crude examples. Got an app that processes images as Polaroids? You could tap the icon for the app in the action sheet while viewing an image and have it processed for you instantly without opening the app. You could also perform commands using one app’s tools without having to actually open that app. You could trade information and projects back and forth from one app to another without having to use the awkward ‘Open in…’ command that iOS uses now. I discussed the state of inter-app communication on the iOS late last year and how much a true interconnected system would help to improve matters: I’ve been hearing rumors about an increase in inter-app communication based around technologies similar to XPC on the Mac for almost two years now. This is the first time that we can remember a core Apple app implementing a third-party iOS library, especially one that is designed to improve on and work around the weaknesses of inter-app communication on iOS. And another which shows how it might work to with apps used in concert: